Ermm this weekend should be just fine, no headache no stress nothing everything just fine with me and thank Allah for that. Saturday got nothing so much just planning to go for my adik angkat wed at bandar manjalara. So me driving there wit my fren as i dont like to go alone to any occasions. Somehow im a little bit shy to go actually as quiet long time i didnt see him..not that i dont want too but we lost contact since me transfer to another school. But he is just like him..funny, gile2 but stil very the hormat org tua and everything bout him ok la for me. The wedding ceremony was blast with Bollywood theme. So colourful and stil hoping he remember me.
So after eat and think he is free from everyone or peminat2 setia, me pon approach la dia just to wish him and give him a gift from a sista la kirenye. Im very shock to see him very hormat and siap jerit panggil wife dia nak introduce me...not that i glamer ke apa but he is very hormat and dok la tanya dah makan ke dah itu ke dah ini pon dahh..dahhh..heheee :)
So me tgk bz je dia nak layan semua org n other things agi tanpe buang masa me just pass the gift and mintak diri coz cian nnt dia terpaksa nak layan me je...
Anyway TQ to jimmy and wife and selamat pengantin baru. moga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat kalian berdua dan dikurniakan anak2 yg chomel2 belaka... ;)
p/s. Bile free ssgt nnt me paste their pic here. Very beautiful and cute pengantin.
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